News & events

09 february 2024
AFEE president-elect, Wilfred was voted into the AFEE President-Elect role as of January 2024, Wilfred was voted into the AFEE President-Elect role as of January 2024

19 september 2019
Save the date: Wilfred Dolfsma's inaugural at Wageningen University: September 19, 2019, , Save the date: Wilfred Dolfsma's inaugural at Wageningen University: September 19, 2019

19 september 2019
Inaugural address at Wageningen University, , Wilfred Dolfsma is inaugurated at Wageningen University, as chairholder of Business Management & Organisation

05 january 2019
Wilfred Dolfsma named Clarence E Ayres 2019 international research scholar in Institutional Economics - address at the 2019 AFEE / ASSA meetings in Atlanta, GA, , Wilfred Dolfsma named Clarence E Ayres 2019 international research scholar in Institutional Economics - address at the 2019 AFEE / ASSA meetings in Atlanta, GA

28 september 2018
Internationalizing UK HIgher Education class rooms - going beyond a Ni Hao, See Times Higher Education (THE) contribution with Lena Langosch!,

31 may 2018
move to Wageningen University & Research, As of June 2018, Wilfred Dolfsma will be full professor of Business Management & Organization at Wageningen University & Research, At Wageningen University & Research Wilfred Dolfsma will lead the Business Management & Organization group.

31 may 2018
International Clarence Ayres Scholar, Wilfred Dolfsma is named the 2019 International Clarence Ayres Scholar, During 2019 Wilfred Dolfsma will be honored for his ongoing research contributions by the Association for Evolutionary Economics (AFEE) for his contributions to institutional economics and institutional theory.

15 august 2017
Inaugural: October 25, 2017, My inaugural @ Loughborough University London,

28 february 2017
Interviewed about Entrepreneurship at #siguimi, CBA tv Curacao, February 17, 2017, ,

29 january 2017
New travel insurance no consumers' boon, This weekend in Dutch newspaper, Algemeen Dagblad.,

23 january 2017
European Management Journal, As of Februari 2017 I will be Associate Editor for the area of Innovation & Entrepreneurship for EMJ.,

23 january 2017
Review of Social Economy, After 12 years of being editor-in-chief, as of this year I no longer have that role. Wishing the new team best of luck.,

01 december 2016
Oratie University of Curacao, Vandaag 1 december 2016 geef ik mijn oratie aan de Universiteit van Cucacao getiteld Strategic Opportunities for Curacao. Aanvang 8uur., Curacao is a small country in the Caribbean off the coast of Latin America: what opportunities does this country have to position itself strategically to benefit from the opportunities that are present, and steer clear of some of the difficulties. Curacao as a quintessential brokering economy has got a lot to look out to.

07 september 2016
Government Failure book available in Russian now too (see list of publications), Government Failure book available in Russian now too (see list of publications), Government Failure book available in Russian now too (see list of publications)

08 july 2016
BNR radio: Aziatische fusies en overnames succesvoller, Interview on Dutch radio, Chinese acquirers are doing much better than others: why

11 may 2016
Een toekomst voor het universitair onderwijs, op-ed (Dutch), Universitair onderwijs in Nederland gaat veranderen, maar hoe?