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Below, please find a selection of my academic publications. Books and articles are listed separately - the latter categorized by theme.

Links are provided to relevant sites to find more information; the pdf files for some articles are also provided for your benefit.

(Google Scholar, Research Gate, Google books, my books are available in these libraries).

My recent CV can be found here.

Innovation & Entrepreneurship
  1. "Borrowing between Genres in Electronic Music: Boundary Permeability and DistanceS” (with T. Schaap, I. Orosa Paleo, N. Wijnberg, G. Gemser) Journal of Economic Issues 58(x), (2024), forthcoming.

  2. Digital Innovation Ecosystems in Agri-Food: design principles and organisational framework” with S. Wolfert, C. Verdouw, L. van Wassenaar, L. Klerkx, Agricultural Systems, 204(103558), 2023.

  3. "Systematic literature review on technological transformation in SMEs: a transformation encompassing technology assimilation and business model innovation” (with C. Silva de Mattos, G. Hagelaar & G. Pelligrini) Management Review Quarterly (2023).

  4. Tensions in Multilateral Coopetition: Findings from the Disrupted Music Industry” (with A. Geurts, T. Broekhuizen, K. Cepa) Industrial Marketing Management, forthcoming 2022.

  5. "Front-loading the Front-End of Innovation" (with R. Van der Eijk, S. Mahdi, J. Hindrix) Journal of Modern Project Management 10(1): 140-149; 2022.

  6. “Lab Scientists’ Innovativeness – A case study of networks and favour exchange” (with R. van der Eijk), pp. 79-97 in S. Kesting, I. Negru, P. Silvestri (eds.) The Gift in the Economy and Society. London & New York: Routledge, (2021).

  7. Knowledge sharing in inter-organizational teams: The role of the advice network and the substitutive role of the formal network in an R&D alliance” (with X. Wang & J.D. van der Bij) Industry & Innovation, 27(10): 1160-1185, 2020.

  8. Individual performance in a coopetitive R&D alliance: Motivation, Opportunity and Ability” (with X. Wang, J.D. van der Bij) R&D Management 49(5): 762-774; 2019.

  9. "Resilience of Information Flow during Restructuring: Characterizing Information Value being Exchanged and the Structure of a Network under Turmoil” (with H.L. AalbersJournal of Business Research. 100: 299-310; 2019.

  10. "Knowledge Transfer in University-Industry Research Partnerships: A Review" (with E. De Wit-De Vries, M. Gerkema, H. De Windt) Journal of Technology Transfer, 44(4): 1236-1255; 2019.

  11. "Improving the Value-of-Input for Ideation by Management Intervention” (with H.L. Aalbers) Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 46: 39-51, 2017. 

  12. Managing Knowledge Boundaries for Open Innovation - Lessons from the Automotive Industry” (with M. Wilhelm) International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 38(1): 230-248 (2018).
  13. "Behavioral Foundations for Open Innovation: Knowledge Gifts and Social Networks” (with R. Van der Eijk) Innovation: Management & Organization, 19(2):287-306, 2017.
  14. "Markets and Institutional swamps: tensions confronting entrepreneurs in developing countries" (with M. Olthaar, C. Lutz, F. Noseleit) Journal of Institutional Economics 13(2): 243-269, 2017 .
  15. Outside vs Inside Entrepreneurs: when institutions bind and favors blind” (with F. De Lanoy) Journal of Economic Issues 50(2): 382-389, 2016.
  16. Vertical and Horizontal Cross-Ties: Benefits of Cross-Hierarchy and Cross-Unit Ties for Innovative Project Teams” (with Rick Aalbers, Roger Leenders) Journal of Product Innovation Management 33(2) : 141-153, 2016.
  17. Board Diversity and R&D Investment” (with J. Midavaine,R. Aalbers) Management Decision 54(3): 558-569, 2016
  18. Distances in Organizations: innovation in an R&D lab” (with Rene van der Eijk) British Journal of Management,27(2): 271-286, 2016 .
  19. Social Networks for Innovation and New Product Development – Introducing the Special Issue” (with Roger Leenders) Journal of Product Innovation Management 33(2) : 123-131, 2016.
  20. "Bridging Firm-Internal Unit Boundaries for Innovation: Communication Orientation and Brokering Roles" (with Rick Aalbers) Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 36: 97-115 (2015).
  21. Innovation despite Reorganization” (with Rick Aalbers) Journal of Business Strategy 35(3): 18-25, (2014).
  22. Rich Ties and Knowledge Transfer in a Firm” (with R. Aalbers, O. Koppius) British Journal of Management 25(4): 822-848 (2014).
  23. "Innovation, Firm Size, and Entrepreneurship:  Schumpeter Mark III” (with G. Van der Velde) Journal of Evolutionary Economics 24(4): 713-736 (2014).
  24. "Individual connectedness in innovation networks: On the role of individual motivation" (with R. Aalbers, Otto Koppius) Research Policy 42(3): 624-634, 2013;
  25. "Government Policy and Technological Innovation - A suggested typology” (with D. Seo) Technovation 33(6-7): 173-179, 2013.
  26. "Innovation Systems as Patent Networks: The Netherlands, India and Nanotech” (with Loet Leydesdorff) 2011, Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice 13(3): 311-326.
  27. Appropriability, Services and ReputationTechnology Analysis and Strategic Management 23(8): 919-930, September 2011.
  28. “Measuring the knowledge base of an economy in terms of triple-helix relations” (with L. Leydesdorff & G. van der Panne) in: R. Viale & H. Etzowitz, eds. (2010) The Capitalization of Knowledge – A Triple Helix of University-Industry-Government. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp.291-311.
  29. "Knowledge Development and Coordination via Market, Hierarchy and Gift Exchange” (with Rene van der Eijk) in: J. Davis (ed.) Global Social Economy: Development, Work and Policy. London & New York: Routledge, 2010, pp.58-78.
  30. Technological Forecasting and Social Change
  31. “Making Knowledge Work – Intra-firm networks, Gifts and Innovation” Knowledge Organization 35(4): 222-8, 2008 [translated into Chinese, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology 24(3): 309-314, 2011].
  32. "IPRs, Technological Development and Economic Development" Journal of Economic Issues 40(2): 333-342. June 2006.
  33. “Knowledge Dynamics: concepts, evidence and governance” (with C. Chaminade, J. Vang) Research Policy 37(1): 1657-1658, 2008.
  34. Currents and Sub-currents in Innovation Flows - Explaining Innovativeness using New Product Announcements” (with G. van der Panne) Research Policy 37(10): 1706-1716, 2008.
  35. "Measuring the ‘Knowledge Base of an Economy in terms of Relations among ‘Technology, Organization, and Territory’." (with L. Leydesdorff & G. van der Panne) Research Policy 35(2): 181-199, March 2006.
  36. "Towards a Dynamic (Schumpterian) Welfare Theory" Research Policy 2005, 34(1): 69-82.
  37. "Technology-Push, Demand-Pull and the Shaping of Technological Paradigms – The development of computing technology" (with J. van den Ende) Journal of Evolutionary Economics 2005, 15(1): 83-99.
  38. "The Odd Role of Proximity in Knowledge Relations – High-tech in the Netherlands" (with G. van der Panne) Journal of Economic and Social Geography, 94(4): 453-462, 2003.
  39. "Technological Regimes: Taking stock, looking ahead" (with I. van de Poel and M. Fransen) International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management 2(4): 482-495, 2002.
Institutional & Social Economics.
  1. Unpacking ecosystem dynamics in the construction industry: the transition toward circular construction ecosystems” (with F. Havinga & M. Mahdad) Journal of Cleaner Production  414(137455), 2023.
  2. "Designing a Circular Contract Template: Insights from the Fairphone-as-a-Service project” (With A. Fischer & S. Pascucci)​​​​​ Journal of Cleaner Production 364: 132487 (2022) [PDF].
  3. "The Regulatory Span of (Formal) InstitutionsJournal of Economic Issues 57(4), December (2023).
  4. Institutional obsolescence: Why Institutions Persist Though Evolutionary Selection Pressure Changes Radically” (with I. Negru) Journal of Economic Issues 56(3): 699-706 (2022).
  5. Understanding the Role of Institutional Intermediaries in the Emergence of the Circular Economy as an Institutional Field” (with S. Pascucci & A. Fischer) in: H. Kopnina & K. Poldner (eds.) Circular Economy: Challenges and Opportunities for Ethical and Sustainable Business. London & New York: Routledge, pp.  , 2021.
  6. “Industrial Policy – An institutional economic framework for assessment” (with Łukasz Mamica) Journal of Economic Issues 54(2), 2020.
  7. "State Capitalism Revisited: A Review of Emergent Forms and Developments” (with A. Grosman) Journal of Economic Issues 53(2): 579-586, 2019.
  8. Government Failure – Four typesJournal of Economic Issues 45(3): 593-603, September 2011.
  9. "Effective Contributions to the Review of Social Economy and Social Economics – editorial” (with Michael Carr, Aurelie Charles, Robert McMaster, Tonia Warnecke) Review of Social Economy 73(2): 139-145 (2015).
  10. “Promoting Research on Intersections of Economics, Ethics, and Social Values” (with D. Figart, R. McMaster, M. Starr) 2012, Review of Social Economy 70(2): 155-163.
  11. Oaths and Codes in Economics and Business – Introducing the Special Issue” (with B. P. de Bruin) Review of Social Economy 71(2): 135-139 (2013).
  12. Policy Conflicts: Market-Oriented Reform in Health Care” (with R. Mcmaster) Journal of Economic Issues 45(2): 309-316, May 2011.
  13. "Revisiting Institutionalist Law and Law and Economics – The Inadequacy of the Chicago School: the Case of Personal Bankruptcy Law” (with R. McMaster) Journal of Economic Issues 41(2):  June 2007.
  14. "Identifying Institutional Vulnerability: The Importance of Language, and System Boundaries" (with J. Finch & R. McMaster), December 2011, Journal of Economic Issues 45(4).
  15. "Social Systems EvolvingJournal of Evolutionary Economics 20(2): 313-9, 2010.
  16. "The Citation Field of Evolutionary Economics" (with Loet Leydesdorff) Journal of Evolutionary Economics 20(5): 645-664, 2010.
  17. Sen on Public Policy: Private Incentives, Public Virtues?” (with J. Clary & H. Jensen) Review of Social Economy 68(2): 227 - 236, 2010.
  18. "Structure, Agency and the Role of Values in Processes of Institutional Change” (with R. Verburg), Journal of Economic Issues 42(4): 1031-1054, December 2008.
  19. Silent Trade and the Supposed Continuum between OIE and NIEJournal of Economic Issues 42(2): 517-526 June 2008 (with A. Spithoven).
  20. "Market and Society: (how) do they relate, and contribute to welfare?" (With J. Finch & R. McMasterJournal of Economic Issues 39(2): 347-356, June 2005.
  21. "Subjects and Boundaries: Contesting social capital-based policies" (with C. Dannreuther) Journal of Economic Issues 37(2): 405-413, June 2003.
  22. "Mediated Preferences - How institutions affect consumptionJournal of Economic Issues 36(2): 449-457, June 2002.
  23. "Metaphors of Knowledge in EconomicsReview of Social Economy 59(1): 71-91, 2001. [Hellen Potter Award - Best article in the Review of Social Economy, 2001.]
  24. "Life and Times of the Veblen Effect" History of Economic Ideas 2000, 8(3), pp. 61-82.
  25. "The Consumption of Music and the Expression of VALUES – A social economic explanation for the advent of pop music. American Journal of Economics and Sociology 58(4): 1019-46, October 1999.
  26. "Labor Relations in Changing Capitalist Economies – The Meaning of Gifts in Social Relations. Journal of Economic Issues" 32(2), June 1998, pp. 631-8.
  27. "Khalil versus Smith: Do Moral Sentiments Differ from Ordinary Tastes? (withI. van Staveren) De Economist - Quarterly Review of The Royal Netherlands Economic Association 146(4), December 1998, pp. 606-13.
  28. "The social construction of value - value theories and John Locke's framework of qualities"  European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 4(3) 1997, pp. 400-416.
  1. "Adaptive organizational responses to varied types of failures: Empirical insights from technology providers in Ghana”(with M. Ayamga, M.C. Annosi, A. Kassahun & B. Tekinerdogan. Technovation 129: 102887 (2024).

  2. Data-gold at the end of the sustainable food production rainbow?” (with Journal of Economic Issues 57(2), June 2023.

  3. "Architecture and governance of digital business ecosystems: A systematic literature review" (with A. Coskun-Setirek, M. Annosi, W. Hurst, B. Tekinerdogan) Information Systems Management, 2023, DOI: 10.1080/10580530.2023.2194063.

  4. Tensions in Multilateral Coopetition: Findings from the Disrupted Music Industry” (with A. Geurts, T. Broekhuizen, K. Cepa) Industrial Marketing Management 105: 532-547, 2022.

  5. A Smart Web of Firms, Farms, and Internet of Things (IOT): Enabling Collaboration-based Business Models in The Agri-food Industry” (with M. Mahdad, M. Hasanov, G. Isakhanyan) British Food Journal 124(6): 1857-1874 (2022).
  6. "Information Exchange in Supply Chains: the case of Agritech” (with G. Isakhanyan & S. Wolfert) Journal of Economic Issues 55(2): 389-396, 2021.
  7. "Strategic Resources and Smallholder Performance at the Bottom of the Pyramid" (with Matthias Olthaar, Clemens Lutz, Florian NoseleitInternational Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 22(3), 365-380, 2019.
  8. The role of managers or owners of SMEs in driving the digitalization process in the agri-food sector” (with I. Benedetti, M.C. Annosi, G. Bucci, A. Finco & D. Bentivogglio) in: M.C. Annosi &  F. Brunetta (eds.) (2020) How is Digitalization Affecting Agri-food? New Business Models, Strategies and Organizational Forms. London & New York: Routledge.
  9. "How Info-Firms Use Big Data to Target Customers” (with Rene van der Eijk) Journal of Business Strategy 39(5), 2018.
  10. "Institutional Quality and Economic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: Can Management Effort and Bribes Compensate for Low-Quality Institutions?" (with G. Olusina Daniel and K. Fu) Journal of Economic Issues 52(2): 2018.
  11. "The Emergence and Performance of the Chinese Merger Market and the Impact of Partner Location" (with K.McCarthyJournal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 16(1): 2018.
  12. "Network Position and Firm Performance – The mediating role of innovation" (with R. Van der Eijk) Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 29(6): 556-568, 2017.
  13. The First Global Merger Wave and the Enigma of Chinese Performance” (with K.J. McCarthy & U. Weitzel) Management & Organization Review, forthcoming 2016. [lead article; comments from Michael Young, and Daniel Shapiro & Jing Li]
  14. The Euro, and its Impact on the Number, Size, Performance and Regional Spread of European Mergers and Acquisitions” (with K.J. McCarthy) Regional Studies 49(8): 1407-1422 (2015).
  15. “Firm Reorganization: social control or social contract?” (with R. Aalbers, R. Blinde-Leerentveld) Journal of Economic Issues 48(2): 451-460 (2014).
  16. Patent StrategizingJournal of Intellectual Capital, 12(2): 168-178, April 2011 (lead article).
  17. Appropriability, Communication and Social Welfare in a Knowledge EconomyInformation and Communications Technology Law 17(2), pp.65-77, 2008.
  18. "The Process of New Service Development – Issues of Formalization and Appropriability" International Journal of Innovation Management, 8(3): 319-337, September 2004.
Organization theory
  1. Unpacking ecosystem dynamics in the construction industry: the transition toward circular construction ecosystems” (with F. Havinga & M. Mahdad) Journal of Cleaner Production 414(137455), 2023. [DOI]
  2. “Systematic literature review on technological transformation in SMEs: a transformation encompassing technology assimilation and business model innovation” (with C. Silva de Mattos, G. Hagelaar & G. Pelligrini) Management Review Quarterly (2023).
  3. Resilience of Information Flow during Restructuring: Characterizing Information Value being Exchanged and the Structure of a Network under Turmoil” (with H.L. Aalbers)  Journal of Business Research. 100: 299-310; 2019.
  4. Inter-Organisational Collaboration: Units and Levels of Analysis with Multi-theory Lenses” (with M. Mahdad, V. Materia, E. Albats) Journal of Economic Issues 56(2): 655-660, (2022).
  5. Reproducing the Firm: Routines, Networks, and Identities” (with A. Geurts & L. Chong) Journal of Economic Issues 51(2): 297-304, 2017 

  6. "On a Source of Social Capital: Gift Exchange”(with R. van der Eijk, A. Jolink), Journal of Business Ethics 89(3): 315-329, 2009.

  7. Path dependence, initial conditions, and routines in organizations: the Toyota Production System re-examined” (with H. van Driel) Journal of Organizational Change Management 22(1): 49-72, 2009.
  8. "The mountain of experience: how people learn in a complex, evolving environment. International Journal of Social Economics, 2002, 29(8): 675-684.
  9. "Dynamics of the Dutch Health Care System – A discourse analysis. (with K. Grit), Review of Social Economy, special issue, 60(3), September 2002, pp. 377-401.
  10. "Economists as Subjects - Towards a psychology of economists. Forum for Social Economics 30(2): 77-88, Spring 2001.
  11. "Path dependence and metaroutines: the genesis and development of the Toyota Production System” (with H. van Driel) in The Hidden Dynamics of Path Dependency: Institutions and Organisations eds.G. Schreyögg & J. Sydow, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.
Media & Culture studies
  1. Perception of Peer Advice in Online Health Communities: Access to Lay Expertise” (with J. Rueger & H.L. Aalbers) Social Science & Medicine, 277(113117), (2021).
  2. "Neutral Media? Evidence of Media Bias, and Its Economic Impact” (with K.J. McCarthy) Review of Social Economy 72(1): 42-54 (2014).
  3. "What’s in a name? Understanding the language of the credit crunch" (with K.J. McCarthy) Journal of Economic Issues 38(2), June 2009.
  4. "Media & Economics: Uneasy Bedfellows?" (with R. Nahuis) De Economist – Netherlands Economic Review 154(1): 107-124. March 2006.
  5. "Consuming Pop Music / Constructing a life world – The advent of pop music" International Journal of Cultural Studies 7(4): 421-440, 2004.
  6. "Radio & Magazines: Valuing Pop Music in the Netherlands (1955-1965)" Media History 10(1): 29-42, April 2004.
  7. "Raising Private Investment Funds for Museums" (with T. van der Burg & C. Wilderom) International Journal of Arts Management, 6(3): 50-59, Spring 2004.
  8. "Public private partnership for the arts" (with T. van der Burg) New Economy 7(3) September 2000, pp.165-167.
  9. "How Will the Music Industry Weather the Globalization Storm?" FirstMonday - Peer Reviewed Journal on the Internet 5(5) May 2000 (8200 words) (Chicago: University Library, University of Illinois at Chicago, ISSN 1396-0466).
  10. "Some Economics of Internet content." In: L. Soete and B. ter Weel (eds.) The Economics of the Digital Society. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 200-218, 2005.
  11. "A status quo in the economics of art and culture? - A view of some recent developments" De Economist- Quarterly Review of The Royal Netherlands Economic Association 145(2), 1997, pp. 243-254.
  1. Consumers as Subcontractors on Electronic Markets. FirstMonday – Peer Reviewed Journal on the Internet 4(3) March 1999 (Chicago: University Library, University of Illinois at Chicago, ISSN 1396-0466).
  2. "The Logic of Collective Consuming" International Journal of Social Economics, 31(9-10): 832-839, Summer 2004.
  3. "Paradoxes of Modernist Consumption – Reading Fashions" Review of Social Economy 62(3): 351-364, September 2004. [ in: W.Dolfsma (ed.) Consuming Symbolic Goods: Identity & Commitment, Values and Economics. London: Routledge, 2008.]
  4. "Collective Consuming: Consumers as Subcontractors on Electronic Markets" The Information Society 22(3): 177-183, 2006.
  1. Mining and analysing online social networks: Studying the dynamics of digital peer support” (with J. Rueger, H.L. Aalbers)MethodsX 10: 102005 (2023).

  2. “The Puzzle of the Gift”, pp. 203-210 in S. Kesting, I. Negru, P. Silvestri (eds.) The Gift in the Economy and Society – Perspectives from Institutional Economics and other Social Sciences. London & New York: Routledge, 2021.

  3. Accounting as Applied Ethics” in Teaching Ethics to economists: a plurality of perspectives, ed. by I. Negru, C. Duckworth and I. Meyenburg (2023), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp..

  4. Advancing Food And Agribusiness Management Research” (with M. Hasanov, J. Trienekens) International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 24(6): 901-904 (2021).

  5. Towards a Concept of Responsibility for Economics” (with I. Negru) New Political Economy, forthcoming.

  6. “Accounting as Applied Ethics” in: C. Duckworth, I. Meyenburg & I. Negru, eds. (2022). The Handbook of Teaching Ethics to Economists. Northhampton: Edward Elgar, forthcoming.

  7. "Paradigms and Novelty in Economics: The History of Economic Thought as a Source of Enlightenment” (with P. Welch) American Journal of Economics and Sociology 68(5): 1085-1106, November 2009.
  8. History and Significance of the Allied Social Science Associations (ASSA-II): a symposium American Journal of Economics and Sociology 67(5): 969-71, November 2008
  9. "Journals as Constituents of Scientific Discourse: Economic Heterodoxy" (with L. Leydesdorff) On The Horizon (Special Issue)16(4): 214-225, December  2008.
  10. "Accounting as Applied Ethics: Teaching a DisciplineJournal of Business Ethics 63(3): 209-15, February 2006.
  11. "On Feminist Economics" (with H. Hoppe) Feminist Review 75: 118-128, November 2003.

  12. "Internet: An Economist’s Utopia? – Reviewing" Review of International Political Economy 5(4): 712-20, 1998.


Scientific publications, Dutch (selection)

Innovatie, Technlogie:

  1. "Universitaire en Economische Pieken" (with L. Leydesdorff) Economisch Statistische Berichten 101(47xx) : xxx-xxx (26 Oktober 2016)
  2. “De innovatiebronnen van kleine ondernemers” (with R. van der Eijk, F. Noseleit, K. Alons) Economisch Statistische Berichten 101(4736): 410-2, 8 juni 2016.
  3. Innovatie & Strategie: het belang van het netwerkMaandblad Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie 89(4), April 2015, pp.143-148.
  4. Bestuursdiversiteit en innovatie” (with J. Midavaine) Economisch Statistische Berichten 98(4662): 376-7, 14 juni 2013.
  5. Laten winnaars van een innovatieprijs goede bedrijfsvoering zien?” (met R. van der Eijk, F. Noseleit, J. Hendrix & P van Renselaar) Maandblad Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie 87(9), September 2013, pp.392-7.
  6. “Patentkaart van Nederland in Aantal en Kwaliteit” (with L. Leydesdorff) Economisch Statistische Berichten 98 (4652) 25 januari 2013.
  7. “Merton in het Laboratorium: Netwerken of Gunstenuitruil?” (with R. van der Eijk) Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie 85(4)225-234, april 2011.
  8. Regulering en Innovatie op de zoetwarenmarkt” (met R. van der Eijk, K.J. McCarthy en J. Boukes) Economisch Statistische Berichten 95(4585):316-7, 14 mei 2010.
  9. "Van onderzoeksinput naar –output”(met Loet Leydesdorff) Economisch Statistische Berichten 94(4564): 426-7, 10 juli 2009.
  10. Economie en Bedrijfskunde Evalueren” (met Loet Leydesdorff) Economisch Statistische Berichten 94(4559): 280-2, 1 mei 2009.
  11. “Innovatie, toetreding en bedrijfsgrootte” (met Gerben van der Panne) Economisch Statistische Berichten
  12. Het Nederlandse Innovatie Systeem” (metLoet Leydesdorff) Economisch Statistische Berichten
  13. De Innovatievoucher nader bekekenEconomisch Statistische Berichten
  14. “Innovatie: MKB belangrijker dan Grootbedrijf” (met G. van der Panne) Economisch Statistische Berichten 91(4494): 474-5, 22 september 2006.
  15. De kenniseconomie de maat genomen” (met L. Leydesdorff en G. van der Panne) Economisch Statistische Berichten 90(4469): 366-8, 26 augustus 2005.
  16. 3:83(3) BW en de KenniseconomieEconomisch Statistische Berichten, 88(4419): 542-3, 14 november 2003.
  17. “Technologie Valleys in een globaliserende economie” (with G. van der Panne) Maandschrift Economie 67(5): 353-368, oktober 2003.
  18. Kennis met GeschiedenisEconomisch Statistische Berichten 88(4409): 353-4, 25 juli 2003.
  19. “Toe-eigening en Communicatie in een Kenniseconomie” Maandschrift Economie June 2003, 67(3): 177-187.
  20. “Regio’s in een Globaliserende Wereld – De economische geografie van Technologie Valleys” in: L. Peeters, P. Matthyssens & L. Vereeck (red., 2002) Stakeholder Synergie. Leuven: Garant, pp. 793-810.
  21. “Hightech door Nederland” (with G. van der Panne) in Economisch Statische Berichten, 86(4318) 13 juli 2001, pp. 584-6.
  22. "Onderzoek en Ontwikkeling Activeren" Economisch Statistische Berichten 86(4304): 330-1, 13 april 2001.



  1. Naar grootschalige high-tech landbouw” (with G. Isakhanyan) in Economisch Statistische Berichten
  2. Taal en de markt voor treinvervoer” (with K. Chin, R. van der Eijk, and L. Denk) Economisch Statistische Berichten 99 (4688): 399-400, 27 juni 2014.
  3. “Sociale Reorganisatie en Bedrijfsresultaat” (met R. Aalbers) Maandblad Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie 88(4), April 2014, pp.157-162.
  4. “Fusies en Overnames in de Farmaceutische Industrie” (met K.J. McCarthy & J. Fijlstra) Economisch Statistische Berichten 97(4634): 269-270, 27 april 2012.
  5. “Investeringen van Sovereign Wealth Funds” (met R. van der Eijk, E. Sojli & H. Yassine) Economisch Statistische Berichten 94(4560): 301-2, 15 mei 2009.
  6. “Industriebeleid en Marktdynamiek” Economisch Statistische Berichten 95(4595): 373, 15 Oktober 2010.



  1. Overheidsfalen in een Beregelde EconomieEconomisch Statistische Berichten 92(4513): 411, 29 juni 2007.
  2. Wet Schuldsanering en Economische DynamiekEconomisch Statistische Berichten 91(4492): 411, 25 augustus 2006.
  3. “De Vaste Boekenprijs in Perspectief” Boekman - Kwartaalschrift voor Kunst, Onderzoek en Beleid 55, maart 2003, pp. 93-96 (special issue “Beroep: Schrijver”).
  4. “Kennis op Markten – Verkenning en betekenis voor overheidsbeleid” (with L. Soete) in: H. Dijstelbloem & C.J.M. Schuyt (eds.) De Publieke Dimensie van Kennis. WRR Voorstudie en achtergronden v110, 2002. Den Haag: Sdu Uitgevers, pp.117-170.
  5. “Boeken zonder kennis, Markten zonder regels?” Tijdschrift voor Politieke Ekonomie, 24(2): 75-79, 2002.
  6. "Napster & KaZaA: Auteursrecht & Mededinging – Een kort commentaar" IER - Intellectueel Eigendom en Reclamerecht 18(4): 178-180, Augustus 2002. (Translated into German).
  7. “Belasting zonder grenzen” (with K. Jonkheer) Economisch Statistische Berichten February 26, 1999, 84(4191): 149-151.



  1. "Over de Samenhang tussen Cultuur en Economie: Giften en Grappen in Arbeidsrelaties" M&O: Tijdschrift voor Management & Organisatie 56(1): 40-50, 2002.
  2. "Mensen op de Balans - voetbalorganisaties als voortrekker?" MAB -Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 75(4): 134-141, april 2001.
  3. "Financiering van Kunst & Cultuur in Economisch Perspectief" in: B. Mosselmans (ed.) Kunst te koop –Breuken en bruggen tussen kunst en economie Uitgeverij Roulanta, Roeselare (Amsterdam: BZZTôh), 2001, p.63-88.
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